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Feb 4, 2017
~True Blue~
What's up guys and gals?! Today I'm styling the ever-popular sweater dress! So let's dive in to the details! I was really excited to...

Jan 28, 2017
What's up guys and gals?! Right now, two of the most common colors you'll find in my wardrobe are white and blush pink. They're minimal,...

Nov 30, 2016
~Top 5 Gift Guide!~
What's up guys and gals?! Are you at a loss for what to buy your loved one for the holidays?! Perhaps you’re going on a fantastic holiday...

Jun 11, 2016
~Double Feature!~
What's up guys and gals?! Today we're doubling up on all the blogging goodness by featuring TWO dresses from Vesper247, TWO pairs of...
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