What's up guys and gals?! Today we've got something REALLY edgy, and this is by far one of the most "CC" looks I've posted on this blog. At the studio I wear some pretty wild getups, but nothing I found really worthy of blogging. But after wearing this look to the studio to lay down tracks for my upcoming new single (KEEP A LOOK OUT FOR THAT!!!) I thought, "yeah, let's blog this one!"
I gotta give a shout out to the absolutely killer dudes and dudettes at Attitude Clothing for sending me this knit Killstar co-ord. I've always been in love with Killstar but I never really knew what the quality was like. Sometimes stores will sell glorified Halloween costumes and try to pass them for real goth attire, but thankfully that is not the case with Attitude OR Killstar. Now obviously you can't walk around with JUST the two piece on, as it is quite see-through, so I styled it by adding a red bra and a pair of black hotpants. You can add a black bra, or even a black croptop, for a more subtle look, but I decided to go bold (because who ever said that subtlety was a word in my vocabulary?!)
According to the internet, this look is actually classed as "NuGoth" (hence the title.) I ran that phrase past the amazing Taliesin Jaffe, voice actor extrordinaire and professional "cool-goth-guy-you-know-who-has-so-many-dead-things-hanging-on-the-walls-of-his-house" and he was cool with it, so from now on I'll use it freely when it comes to looks like this! (His Twitter handle is @ExecutiveGoth, if that gives you any idea as to the seriousness of his goth proclivities!)
I decided to add texture to this look as an accent rather than more colors, so I accessorized with my Gloss Black Kaelidescope case from FelonyCase. This case, though a little pricey, is STUNNING and I've been getting a bunch compliments on it.
I'm also wearing a pair of shoes I've never worn on the blog before (like how is that even possible?!) These bitchin' Steve Madden boots have been a staple of my wardrobe for a while - so long, actually, that I can't find them anywhere online. However, I still love the suede, the leather straps, and the big, yet minimal, buckles. It just goes to show how good the Steve Madden design team really is! All these years later and these booties are still in style!
Finally, I've added a beanie from the company DOPE, which I got as a gift for attending the launch of Chella's new eyebrow cream (which is FAB, by the way!) Thanks again to Emily from Haus of Hounds for inviting me to that party! I had a great time! A group of us were joking about how we were going to style this beanie and I said "Oh I'll find a way to wear it. I promise!" So, TA DAAAAAA! Here it is!
I hope you guys liked this look! Keep checking back for more blogs, and as always, the links are below!
Killstar Cinder Nikky Knit Set - Attitude Clothing
Phone Case - FelonyCase
Beanie - DOPE
Heels - Steve Madden
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